How to Transform Your Life
"Advice for Life" Email Series
Receive weekly reminders of inspiration from each chapter of How to Transform Your Life
"Advice for Life" is a series of weekly emails which will support and enrich your appreciation and experience of the teachings in the book, How to Transform Your Life, by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
This email series provides you with a suggested practice from the book each week that will help you to train your mind and improve your life.
The "Advice for Life" series of weekly emails includes:
- Weekly reminders of some principal practices from the book
- Guidance on how to put the instructions into practice in your daily life
- Advice for furthering your practice of training your mind and transforming your life
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Deepen Your Experience
Another inspiring way to deepen your experience and receive regular guidance and support in your practice is to attend a local class based upon the book.